Why Aluminium-Air Batteries ?

. Long Life Duration (15 years) & Easy 100% Recycling

. Cost Saving Solution (both SetUp & Run).

. 100% Halophile Solution.

. No Fire Risk / No Heat Increase (Running Temperature between 25°C & 45°C).

. Operating Range : -40°c to 71°C (easy cooling) without loss of performance / without degradation.

. 100 % Green Solution.

. BS EN IEC 62840 Safety Standard.

. No Plug Recharge but depending on your version : "Swap" or "Refuel". (And then we will "Recycle" for you).

. Excellent Ratio between Power vs. Energy :

Energy/weight = 1350 Wh / kg

In labs -> Energy/weight = 2000 Wh / kg 

Energy/volume = 800 Wh / dm3

Power/weight = 206 W / kg @ 26°C

Power/weight = 355 W / kg @ 40°C

Coming -> Power/volume = 1800 W / kg 

Why Aluminium-Air Vs Lithium Batteries

  • Weight : 9 times lighter than Lithium batteries.
  • Size : 4 times smaller than Lithium batteries.
  • Cost : 4 times cheaper than Lithium batteries.
  • Duration : 5 times longer than Lithium batteries.

  • No Complex BMS (Battery Mgt System) & Chargers 

Why Metalectrique Aluminium-Air Batteries ?

  • More Power than Competition.
  • More Energy than Competition (Use of up to 99% of Aluminium plate)
  • Use of Low Cost & Easy to process Regular Aluminium (1000 Series alloy)
  • Non Toxic (beofre ad after the chemical reaction) Electrolyte based on Salt Water (that prevent CO2 to pollute aluminium plates).
  • We respect BS EN IEC 62840 Safety Standard.

How it Works ?

How we compare to other "Power Solutions" ? 

Like Fuel cell, Lithium or Ultra Capacitors

The graph below can be used to visualise how aluminium air technology compares to competing power solutions on the market, both in specific power (W/kg) and specific energy (Wh/KG). In summary, although our technology retains and exceeds the energy advantage of past fuel cell technologies, our unique chemistry enables a power that is comparable to certain Lithium Ion batteries; and this is expected to improve in future prototype development project.

⏬ We are the read line just below ⏬

Why Aluminum ? 

More about our Aluminium-Air Power Technology ⏩

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